如何把Bang Dream角色的live2d模組弄到你手機上
前言 版權歸原創者所有,本教學僅限用於學習和研究目的,不得將上述內容資源用於商業或者非法用途,否則,一切後果請由操作人承擔。 Bang Dream的Live2d模組是我看過手遊遊戲裡最好看的模組,各個人物的衣物上細節與動作都非常的香如果每天都能看到那麼香的模組在手機上,每天的心情都會變好吧,帶著這樣的想法的我,...
Sass - a css extension I hope I wish I'd known a long time ago
On my progress on learning to build a blog for my own, I came across Sass, which is an extension for css. It is probably one of the best css extension I came...
Hi, eryet here! currently everything still being testing,i still try out every possibility for my website so here first post :D
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